Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Quick Edge Sharpening

First sharpening with the newly built portable sharpening bench on Sunday January 6th, 2013 at Bernie and Laura's place near Danforth Ave. and Donlands, Toronto.

Sharpening my buddy Dan's 2 hunting knives and 1draw knife on Sunday, January 13th, 2013 at his garage/ woodworking shop near Jane and Bloor West, Toronto.

Sharpening the Maclure's 'workhorse' knife (very beautifully weighted Wusthof) on January 20th, 2013.  Photos by Simon Maclure. Nice job bud!

As I start to scratch the surface of knife sharpening,  I found that in terms of sharpening advice on the net - Murray Carter's website & youtube links at are some of the most insightful helpful info on the subject of free hand sharpening.